Originally from Washington State, Anna has a degree in Lingistics, a Master's in Computational Linguistics (both from the University of Washington), and a Doctorate in Audiology (AuD) from the University of Arizona. She is a member of Dr. Sandra Gordon-Salant's Hearing Research Lab and Dr. Matthew Goupell's Auditory Perception & Modeling Lab. She enjoys all sorts of puzzles and can sometimes be coaxed into hosting a convivial game of trivia.
Areas of Interest
- Speech Processing
- Aging
- Cognition
CV: Anna's Curriculum Vitae227.23 KB
AuDDoctor of Audiology, minor in Cognitive Science
MAComputational Linguistics
- Cochlear Implants
- Aging
- Attention and Distraction
2020 - present President of the Students of Neuroscience and Cognitive Science student organization
annat [at] umd.edu