Professor Jae Kun Shim is the Director of Neuromechanics Research Core at University of Maryland, College Park. He is a previous recipient of Young Scientist Awards of International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) and American Society of Biomechanics (ASB). His research is focused on neural and mechanical mechanisms of locomotion and hand and digit actions in healthy people and those with compromised neural and biomechanical systems such as stroke patients and lower extremity amputees. Dr. Shim’s research has been supported by National Institute of Health (NIH), Department of Defense (DOD), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Maryland Industrial Partnerships Program  (MIPS), Korea Research Foundation (KRF), Ministry of Welfare and Health of Korea, and other private and corporate partners. 


  • PhD
    Major in Kinesiology, Minor in Engineering
  • MS
    Major in Clinical Biomechanics, Minor in Computer Science


KNES289P, Mathematical and Physical Bases of Human Movement (3 credits)

KNES300, Biomechanics of Human Motion (UG)

KNES497, Neuromechanics of Human Hand and Finger Dexterity (3 credits)

KNES498V, Clinical Biomechanics: Musculoskeletal Injury (3 credits)



KNES689F, Neuromechanics of Muscles (3 credits)

KNES689L, Neuromechanics of Bipedal Locomotion (3 credits)

KNES689Q, Clinical Biomechanics: Musculoskeletal Injury (3 credits)

KNES789A, Advanced Neuromechanics (3 credits)

KNES789B, Advanced Biomechanics (3 credits)

KNES789P, Contemporary Neuromechanics (3 credits)


Dr. Shim's research is focused on neural and mechanical mechanisms of locomotion and hand and digit actions in healthy people and those with compromised neural and biomechanical systems such as stroke patients and lower extremity amputees. Dr. Shim’s research has been supported by National Institute of Health (NIH), Department of Defense (DOD), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Maryland Industrial Partnerships Program  (MIPS), Korea Research Foundation (KRF), Ministry of Welfare and Health of Korea, and other private and corporate partners. 

Jae Kun Shim in Google Scholar  


Research Interests
Motor Control
Sensory Integration
Sensory Processing
Spinal Cord Injury
Cognitive Neuroscience
Motor Control

Current Students

Former Students

  • Student Name
    James Lieu
  • Student Name
    Alexander Hooke, MS
    Current Position
    Mayo Clinic
  • Student Name
    Sohit Karol, PhD
    Current Position
    Microsoft Windows Lab
  • Student Name
    Jeffrey Hsu, MD
    Current Position
    Peking University Health Science Center
  • Student Name
    Jaebum Park, PhD
    Current Position
    Seoul National University, Korea
  • Student Name
    Junfeng Huang, PhD
    Current Position
    NET Esolutions
  • Student Name
    Brian Baum, PhD
    Current Position
    Regis University
  • Student Name
    Kyung Koh, PhD
    Current Position
    University of Maryland, College Park
Dr. Jae Kun Shim
0110F School of Public Health
Neuroscience and Cognitive Science
jkshim [at]
Office Hours
By email