136 | 2024 | Anna Tinnemore | Effects of Age on Context Benefit for Understanding Cochlear-Implant Processed Speech | Western University of Ontario/Postdoc |
135 | 2024 | Lauren Salig | How Bilinguals' Comprehension of Code-switches Influences Attention and Memory | University of Michigan/Postdoc |
134 | 2024 | Kathryn McNaughton | Predictors of Peer Interaction Success for Autistic and Non-Autistic Youth | UMD/Postdoc |
133 | 2024 | Tawen Ho | Interactions of Social Experience, Alcohol Sensitivity, and the Serotonergic System | UMD/Postdoc |
132 | 2024 | David Han | Neural basis of vibration detection in lepidosaurian reptiles | Harvard/Postdoc |
131 | 2024 | James Baldassano | Intrinsic physiology and inhibitory anatomy of the avian auditory brainstem | NIH/Postdoc |
130 | 2024 | Daniela Vazquez | Modulation of anterior cingulate cortex signaling and its impact on decision-making | NIH/Scientific Program Analyst |
129 | 2024 | Christopher Gaskins | Mental Workload Assessment During Upper Limb Prosthetic Training and Task Performance | Cognosante/Military Health Quantitative Evaluation SME |
128 | 2024 | Felix Bartsch | Exploring Neural Representations in Macaque Primary Visual Cortex Through Data-Driven Models | NIH/Postdoc |
127 | 2023 | Andrew Borrell | Reactivation of Plasticity in the Adult Visual Cortex by Control of Neuronal Excitability | UMD/Postdoc |
126 | 2023 | Zachary Maher | Knowledge and processing of morphosyntactic variation in African American Language and Mainstream American English | Penn State/Postdoc |
125 | 2023 | Daniel Callow | Acute Exercise Induced Microstructural and Functional Changes in the Hippocampus of Older Adults | Johns Hopkins/Postdoc |
124 | 2023 | Benjamin Rickles | EEG effects of event models in story comprehension | Advanced Education Research and Development Fund/Evaluation Coordinator |
123 | 2023 | Junaid Merchant | Brain Basis of Human Social Interactions: Neurocognitive Functions and Meta-Analysis | UMD SPH/Data Analyst |
122 | 2022 | Greg Perrin | The circuit components of contrast adaptation in the rod bipolar pathway | UPenn/Postdoc |
121 | 2022 | Chethan Parameshwara | Bio-inspired Motion Perception: From Ganglion Cells to Autonomous Vehicles | Amazon/Applied Scientist |
120 | 2022 | Zoe Ovans | Developmental Parsing and Cognitive Control | UPenn/Postdoc |
119 | 2022 | Chelsea Haakenson | The Role of the Medial Periaqueductal Gray and Catecholamines in the Regulation of Birdsong | NIH Institute on Aging/Health Program Specialist |
118 | 2022 | Heather Pribut | Cortical and striatal mechanisms of value-based decision-making and their disruption in addiction | IQ Solutions/Freelance Writing Consultant |
117 | 2022 | Shakiba Rafiee | Neural Feedback Contribution to Human Locomotion Control | Amazon/Applied Scientist |
116 | 2022 | Matt Manion | Sex differences in the forebrain dopaminergic circuit | NICHD/Postdoc |
115 | 2021 | Willy Sun | The Nanoarchitecture of the Outer Hair Cell Lateral Wall: Structural Correlates of Electromotility | NIH/postdoc |
114 | 2021 | Hetal Shah | Unraveling quality control pathways: The role and function of parkin-independent mitophagy | Coalition for Aligning Science/Scientific Program Officer |
113 | 2021 | Kevin Schneider | Cortical contributions to a combined appetitive-aversive social outcome task | University of Washington Seattle/Postdoctoral Research Fellow |
112 |
2021 | Diana Alkire | The Role of Theory of Mind in Social Interaction | UMD/Postdoc |
111 | 2021 | Adam Fishbein | Auditory Processing of Sequences and Song Syllables in Vocal Learning Birds | UCSD/Postdoc |
110 | 2021 | Nicole Catanzarite | Rethinking Analogical Reasoning: The Power of Stimuli and Task Framework in Understanding Biomedical Science, Technological Advancements, and Social Interactions | SfN/Neuroscience Policy Liaison |
109 | 2020 | Amritha Mallikarjun | The use of the domestic dog (Canis familiaris) as a model for speech perception | Penn State/Postdoc |
108 | 2020 | Rui Hu | Local and Top-down Regulation of Olfactory Bulb Circuits | Harvard/Postdoc |
107 | 2020 | Aybike Saglam | Neurorepair Promoting Crosstalk Between Astrocytes & Olfactory Ensheathing Cells | NIH/Postdoc |
106 | 2020 | Lauren Weiss | Structural and Functional Brain Network Correlates of Physical Activity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness: Examining the Influence of Depression | Booz Allen/Senior Consultant |
105 | 2020 | Isabelle Shuggi |
Examination of cognitive-motor processes during reaching movements: from independent human practice to human-robot team performance |
UMBC-ARL/Postdoc |
104 | 2020 | Emma Shaw | Cerebral Cortical Dynamics of Spatial Working Memory Depletion and its Effect on Cognitive-Motor Performance | NIH/Clinical Trial Results Analyst |
103 | 2020 | Maureen Bowers | Development of Motivational Influences on Monitoring and Control Recruitment in the Context of Proactive and Reactive Control in Adolescent Males | UMD/Postdoc |
102 | 2020 | Lucy Venuti | Inhibition in the crayfish lateral giant circuit | |
101 | 2019 | Dustin Moraczewski | Functional organization of social-motivational brain systems during social interaction in autism spectrum disorder | NIMH/Data Scientist |
100 | 2019 | Mattson Ogg | The Acoustic Factors That Influence Auditory Object And Event Recognition Over Time | JHU Applied Physics Lab/Postdoc |
99 | 2019 | Jessica Ellis | Medial frontal theta negativities (MFTN) as predictors of anxiety sensitivity treatment response | Emmes Corporation/Clinical Trial Manager |
98 | 2018 | Clare Sengupta | Characterization of Chronic Monocular Deprivation and Estrogen Administration in Adult Rodents | Miltenyi Biotec/Field Application Scientist |
97 | 2018 | Rachel Adler | Toward a psycholinguistic model of irony comprehension | FINRA/Data Scientist |
96 | 2018 | Farzad Ehtemam | Neural control of speed in human walking | Ohio State University/Postdoc |
95 | 2018 | Ronny Gentry | Neural Mechanisms of Approach and Avoidance | Research Square/Quality Control Editor |
94 | 2017 | Srikanth Padmala | Interactions between appetitive and aversive processing during perception and attention | UMD/Assistant Research Scientist |
93 | 2017 | Jared Shamwell | Neuro-Inspired Augmentations of Unsupervised Deep Neural Networks for Low-SWaP Embodied Robotic Perception | ARL/Research Scientist |
92 | 2017 | Graham Marquart | Construction and utilization of digital brain atlases in larval zebrafish | Max Planck/Postdoc |
91 | 2017 | Amanda Burton | The Long-Term Impact of Previous Cocaine Self-Administration on Decision-Making and Striatal Circuitry | Ripple Effect Communications/Analyst |
90 | 2017 | Jessica Wess | The role of frequency, timing, and level distortion on binaural processing in simulations of cochlear implant users with single-sided deafness | Walter Reed/Scientific Consultant/Subcontractor |
89 | 2017 | Francisco Cervantes-Constantino | Sensory and perceptual codes in cortical auditory processing | Ingenious Softworks/Consultant |
88 | 2017 | Chris Heffner | Language Science Meets Cognitive Science: Categorization and Adaptation | University of Connecticut/Postdoc |
87 | 2017 | Sarah Blankenship | Effects of early and concurrent parenting and child cortisol reactivity on hippocampal structure and functional connectivity during childhood: A prospective, longitudinal study | Society for Research in Child Development/Postdoc |
86 | 2016 | Molly Hyer | Neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying paternal experience-induced plasticity of the hippocampus | Virginia Commonwealth University/Postdoc |
85 | 2016 | Aminah Sheikh | Subplate neurons and their role in the functional maturation of the brain | Children's National Medical Center/Postdoc |
84 | 2016 | Krystyna Solarana | Development and plasticity of the functional laminar mesoscale organization of primary auditory cortex | Food and Drug Administration/Postdoc |
83 | 2016 | Tao Jiang | Conserved role of Emx2 in establishing polarity of sensory hair cells | NIDCD, NIH/Postdoc |
82 | 2016 | Mark Saffer | The impact of motor learning on motor behavior and cortical dynamics in a complex stressful social envirnonment | Baltimore VA Hospital/Postdoc |
81 | 2016 | Kathryn Yoo | Action and perception: Neural indices of learning in infants | Autism Research Training Program at the MIND Institute at UC Davis/Postdoc |
80 | 2016 | Ying Tan | The Influence of Motivation on Emotion Regulation and Motor Performance: Examination of a Neuro-Affective Model | NYU/Postdoc |
79 | 2016 | Diego Elgueda | Transformations of Task-Dependent Plasticity from A1 to Higher-Order Auditory Cortex | UMD/Postdoc |
78 | 2016 | Matt Swierzbinski | Physiological effects of alcohol on crayfish escape circuitry | Potomac Institute for Policy Studies/Postdoc |
77 | 2016 | Alex Presacco | Effects of aging on midbrain and cortical speech-in-noise processing | University of California, Irvine/Postdoc |
76 | 2016 | Andrew Venezia | Influence of acute and chronic exercise on markers of hippocampal plasticity | University of Scranton/Asst. Professor |
75 | 2016 | Jeffrey Chrabaszcz | Understanding information use in multi-attribute decision making | Carnegie Mellon/Postdoc |
74 | 2016 | Amanda Chicoli | Social and ecological factors influencing collective behavior in Giant Danio | Carnegie Institute/Postdoc |
73 | 2015 | Hyuk Oh | A multiple representations model of the human mirror neuron system for learned action imitation | UMD/Postdoc |
72 | 2015 | Shikha Prashad | The effects of sequence structure, age-related impairments, and Parkinson's disease on motor sequence learning | UT Dallas/Postdoc |
71 | 2015 | Adam Jones | Longitudinal Single-Unit Recording In The Macaque Face Patch System: Identity And Plasticity In The Anterior Fundus Face Patch | University of Iowa/Postdoc |
70 | 2015 | Daniel Bryden | Response inhibition and the cortico-striatal circuit | UMD/Postdoc |
69 | 2015 | Benjamin Falk | Adaptive flight and echolocation behavior in bats | Johns Hopkins/Postdoc |
68 | 2015 | Yuwei Cui | Hierarchial neural computation in the mammalian visual system | Numenta Inc/Research Engineer |
67 | 2015 | Joanna Szczepanik | Experimental measurement of behavioral approach motivation in major depressive disorder | NIMH/Psychologist |
66 | 2014 | David Logan | Subtask control in human locomotion | Drexel/Postdoc |
65 | 2014 | Jong Moon Choi | Interactions between aversive and appetitive processing in the human brain | Korea University/Postdoc |
64 | 2014 | Yu Gu | The regulation of critical period for ocular dominance plasticity | Northwestern/Postdoc |
63 | 2014 | Sara Therrien | In-air and underwater hearing in diving birds | USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Cntr/Postdoc |
62 | 2014 | Mohit Chadha | Somatosensory Signaling for Flight Control in the Echolocating Bat Eptesicus fuscus | Vanderbilt University/Postdoc |
61 | 2014 | Susan Teubner-Rhodes | The neural bases of the bilingual advantage in cognitive control: An investigation of conflict adaptation phenomena | Medical University/Postdoc |
60 | 2014 | Katie Willis | Anatomical and Physiological Characterization of the Turtle Brain Stem Auditory Circuit | UMD/Postdoc |
59 | 2014 | Nuria AbdulSabur | The neural mechanisms supporting structure and inter-brain connectivity in natural conversation | |
58 | 2014 | Alice Jackson | Using a high-dimensional model of semantic space to predict neural activity | Johns Hopkins/Postdoc |
57 | 2013 | Bartlett Russell | The effect of mental stress on brain dynamics and performance related to attention control during a vigilance task: An electroencephalographic investigation | Scitor Corp/Senior Scientist |
56 | 2013 | Erika Hussey | The Malleability of Cognitive Control and its Effects on Language Skills | U of Illinois/Postdoc |
55 | 2013 | Alexia Nunez Parra | Regulation of the Inhibitory Drive in the Olfactory Bulb | U of Colorado/Postdoc |
54 | 2013 | Kim Drnec | Encelphalography (EEG) and Measures of Nociception in Domestic Cattle (Bos taurus) | UMD/Postdoc |
53 | 2012 | Anna Schlappal | Efficacy of estrogen treatment in a murine model of Alzheimer's disease | UMD/Postdoc |
52 | 2012 | Matt Miller | A programmatic research approach to understanding the impact of team environment on cerebral cortical dynamics and attention | Auburn University/Asst. Professor |
51 | 2012 | Hui Wang | Circuit analysis of synaptic dysfunctions in the CA3 area of BACE1 knockout mice | Johns Hopkins/Postdoc |
50 | 2012 | Junfeng Huang | Multi-digit Circular Object Manipulation | NETE/Principal Software Consultant |
49 | 2012 | Anusha Venkatakrishnan | Understanding neuroplastic effects of transcranial direct current stimulation through analysis of dynamics of large-scale brain networks | NIH/Results Analyst |
48 | 2012 | Ben Smith | Comparing Small Graphs: How distance, orientation, and alignment affect the comparability of small multiple bar graphs | CASL/Postdoc |
47 | 2012 | Melissa Pangelinan | Brain Function Underlying Adaptive Sensorimotor Control in Children with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder | Rotman Research Institute/Postdoc |
46 | 2012 | Lale Evsen | The role of Sox2 in inner ear development | NIH/Postdoc |
45 | 2011 | Sarah Helfinstein | Neural Correlates of Approach and Avoidance Learning in Behavioral Inhibition | U of Texas/Postdoc |
44 | 2011 | Sharona Atkins | Working memory: Assessment and Training | UMD/Postdoc |
43 | 2011 | Jeremy Rietschel | Psychophysiological investigation of attentional processes during motor learning | Baltimore VA Hospital/Postdoc |
42 | 2011 | Michelle Costanzo | Examination of the Brain Processes Underlying Emotion Regulation within a Stress Resilient Population | NIH/Postdoc |
41 | 2011 | Greg Cogan | Temporal dynamics of MEG phase information during speech perception: Segmentation and neural communication using mutual information and phase locking | NYU/Postdoc |
40 | 2010 | Jin Liang | Identification of the molecular mechanisms of zebrafish inner ear hair cell regeneration using high-throughput gene expression profiling | Stanford/Postdoc |
39 | 2010 | Yuanfen Zhang | Identifying Plant and Feedback in Human Postural Control | St. Elizabeth's Hospital/Resident |
38 | 2010 | Beth Vernaleo | Relative Salience of Envelope and Fine Structure Cues in Zebra Finch Song | |
37 | 2010 | Claudia Bonin | Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Electromagnetic Activity in the Brain Prior to Reaches to Visual Targets | Self-Employed |
36 | 2010 | Serin Atiani | Rapid Adaptive Plasticity in Auditory Cortex | |
35 | 2009 | Raymond Merritt | Myosins IIIa and IIIb regulate stereocilia length by transporting espin 1 to the polymerizing end of actin filaments | Gallaudet/Asst. Professor |
34 | 2009 | Philip Wang | Molecular mechanisms of neuronal development | NIH/Postdoc |
33 | 2009 | Xiaohong Deng | Comparative studies on the structure of the ears of deep-sea fishes | NIH/Postdoc |
32 | 2009 | Kaiwen He | Ampa receptor and synaptic plasticity | UMD/Postdoc |
31 | 2008 | Chen Chiu | Adaptive echolocation and flight behaviors in free flying bats, Eptesicus fuscus | UMD/Postdoc |
30 | 2008 | Xing Tian | Testing a dynamic account of neural processing: Behavioral and elctrophysiological studies of semantic satiation | UMD/Postdoc |
29 | 2008 | Chris Glaze | Temporal Structure in Zebra Finch Song: Implications for the Motor Code and Learning Process | UPenn/Postdoc |
28 | 2008 | Feng Rong | Magnetoencephalography-based validation of a computational model | NIH/Postdoc |
27 | 2008 | Ron Goodman | Performance Under Pressure: examination of relevant neurobiological and genetic influence | Baltimore VA Hospital/Postdoc |
26 | 2008 | Anubhuti Goel | Cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying homeostatic synaptic plasticity | UCLA/Postdoc |
25 | 2007 | Stacy Hobson | Text Summarization Evaluation: Correlating Human Performance on an Extrinsic Task with Automatic Intrinsic Metrics | IBM/Research Staff Member |
24 | 2007 | Mardi Byerly | Identification of Novel Mechanisms in the Hypothalamus linked to Adiposity | Johns Hopkins/Postdoc |
23 | 2007 | David Boothe | Natural Variation in biological and simulated central pattern | Northwestern/Postdoc |
22 | 2007 | Youjun Wang | The pharmacology and dynamics of light induced Ca signal in Limulus ventral photoreceptors | Temple University School of Medicine/Postdoc |
21 | 2007 | Bruce Swett | The Neural Substrates of graphomotor sequence learning | NIH/Postdoc |
20 | 2007 | Huan Luo | Tracking sound dynamics in human auditory cortex: new macroscopic views from MEG evidences | Chinese Academy of Science/Research Scientist |
19 | 2007 | Murat Aytekin | Sound Localization for Bats | UMD/Postdoc |
18 | 2006 | Kelvin Oie | Characterizing sensory re-weighting for human postural control | US Army Research Lab/Research Psychologist |
17 | 2006 | Monika Deshpande | RNAi and morpholio as tools to study signaling in limulus ventral photoreceptors | Boston University/Postdoc |
16 | 2006 | Kaushik Ghose | Sonar beam direction and flight control in an echolocating bat | UMD/Postdoc |
15 | 2006 | Maria Chait | Auditory edge detection: The dynamics of the contruction of auditory perceptual representations | UMD/Postdoc |
14 | 2006 | Jin Bo | Continuous versus discontinuous drawing: possible cerebellar involvement in the development of temporal consistency | University of Michigan/Postdoc |
13 | 2005 | Mary Howard | The neural bases of lateralization effects in visual frequency processing: a computationa modeling investigation | UMD/Postdoc |
12 | 2005 | Lewis Wheaton | Role of human parietal and premotor cortical areas in complex hand movements | Baltimore VA Hospital/Postdoc |
11 | 2005 | Kyle Vick | Use of multiple cues for navigation by the Leaf-cutter Ant Atta cephalotes | Shawnee State University/Asst. Professor |
10 | 2005 | Shiva Sinha | Orienting gaze in freely behaving bats: Functional and anatomical studies implicating the superior colliculus in sonar vocal production | Indiana University/Postdoc |
9 | 2005 | Brenda Benson | Cholinergic contributions to emotion regulation | NIH/Psychologist |
8 | 2004 | Carol Whitney | Investigations into the neural basis of structured representations | UMCP/Research Scientist |
7 | 2004 | Virginie van Wassenhove | Cortical dynamics of auditory-visual speech: a forward model of multisensory integration | UCSF/Postdoc |
6 | 2003 | Beth Stevens | Activity-dependent regulation of Schwann cell development by extracellular ATP | Stanford/Postdoc |
5 | 2003 | Kaleb McDowell | A dynamic view of movement planning | US Army Research Lab/Research Scientist |
4 | 2003 | Anthony Boemio | The perceptual representation of sound in time | NIH/Postdoc |
3 | 2002 | Daphne Soares | Diversity in the auditory brainstem of archosaurs | Marine Biological Lab/Teaching Assistant |
2 | 2001 | Suchitra Parameshwaran | Expression of the Kv3-1 potassium channel in the avian auditory system | Johns Hopkins/Postdoc |
1 | 1999 | Kenneth Revett | A computational model of acute and sub-acute damage resulting from focal ischemia | King's College London/Postdoc |
Last modified
01/24/2025 - 10:07 am