Steven E. Brauth received his Ph.D. in Psychology from New York University in 1973. He is part of the Cognitive and Neural Systems group in the Psychology department. His research focuses on comparative neuroscience.
We are now in the midst of a revolution in behavioral science brought about by rapid progress in molecular and systems neuroscience. There is no question that many of the unanswered questions in behavioral and social science including the causes of mental disorders, basis of personality differences and the basis of cognitive functioning will increasingly be explicated in terms of pathways from genes to behavior including the development and functioning of neural systems. My goals as an instructor at both the graduate and undergraduate levels have been to prepare students in Psychology and related fields for roles as both scientist/practitioners in the emerging field of behavioral neuroscience as well as to prepare all students to be consumers of knowledge in this field. As lifelong learners students will continue to be exposed to information developed in neuropsychology and as citizens students will need to evaluate the choices that society will be called upon to apply knowledge in this field such as the treatment and management of mental illness. Many of the courses I teach are lecture courses emphasizing basic concepts and theories, although I have developed an I-series course as well as advanced seminars for undergraduates emphasizing participatory learning and creative activities.
My research philosophy utilizes the comparative approach to the study of brain-behavior relationships. This philosophy is based on the idea that brain organization reflects the effects of natural selection.
My service philosophy at the campus level is based on the value of shared governance in which faculty, staff and students work with administrators to further the goal of academic excellence and to enhance the mission of the University to create, disseminate and apply new knowledge for the advancement of society. I am currently serving on the campus Senate.