Cornelia Fermüller’s research is in the areas of Computer Vision, Robotics, and Human Vision, focusing on biological-inspired solutions for active vision systems.

She is an Associate Research Scientist at the Center for Automation Research at the Institute for Advanced Computer Studies at UMD.  She  co-founded the Autonomy Cognition and Robotics (ARC)  Lab and co-leads the Perception and Robotics Group at UMD.  She is also the PI of an NSF sponsored  Science of Learning Center Network for Neuromporphic Engineering and co-organizes the Neuromorphic Engineering and Cognition WorkshopCornelia Fermüller is an associate research scientist at the Computer Vision Laboratory.



  • PhD
    Technical University of Vienna, Austria, Computer Vision
  • MS
    University of Technology, Graz, Austria, Applied Mathematics

Cornelia Fermüller’s research is in the areas of Computer Vision, Robotics, and Human Vision, focusing on biological-inspired solutions for active vision systems. She has studied multiple view geometry and statistics, and her work includes view-invariant texture descriptors, 3D motion and shape estimation, image segmentation, action recognition, and computational explanations and predictions of optical illusions.  Her recent work focuses on the integration of perception, action and high-level reasoning to develop cognitive robots that can understand and learn human manipulation actions,  and developing motion capabilities with input from bio-inspired visual motion sensors.

Research Methods
Computational Modeling
Sensory Processing
Research Interests
Computer Vision
Sensory Processing

Current Students

Dr. Cornelia Fermuller
4459 A.V. Williams Building
Neuroscience and Cognitive Science
fermulcm [at]