Howard Lasnik is Distinguished University Professor of Linguistics at the University of Maryland, where he has also held the title Distinguished Scholar Teacher. He has been a Distinguished University Professor at the University of Connecticut and a Fellow of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, and is a Fellow of the Linguistic Society of America., He has played a prominent role in syntactic theorizing in the Chomskian framework from the Extended Standard Theory, through Government-Binding Theory, to Minimalism. His main research areas are syntactic theory and the syntax-semantics interface. Alongside more foundational issues of language learnability and the formal properties of linguistic theories, among the specific topics he has worked on are phrase structure, anaphora, ellipsis, verbal morphology, Case, cyclicity, and locality constraints on movement. His publications include eight books and over 140 articles, and his presentations include 80 keynote/plenary lectures at conferences. He has supervised 62 completed Ph.D. dissertations on morphology, on language acquisition, and, especially, on syntactic theory.
Areas of Interest
- Syntactic theory; syntax-semantics interface; language learnability
PhDMassachusetts Institute of Technology (Linguistics), 1972
MAHarvard University (English), 1969
BSCarnegie Institute of Technology (Mathematics and English), 1967
Former Students
Student NameSuyoung BaeCurrent PositionResearch Professor at Dongguk University
Student NameGesoel Mendes
Student NameNick HuangCurrent PositionPostdoctoral Fellow, Linguistics, University of Connecticut
Student NameZach StoneCurrent PositionTeaching Fellow, New York City Public Schools
Student NameDongwoo ParkCurrent PositionAssistant Professor, English Language and Literature, Korea National Open University
Student NameCarolina PetersenCurrent PositionData Manager at Westat - Improving Lives Through Research
Student NameDustin ChacónCurrent PositionResearch Scientist, New York University (NYU) Abu Dhabi
Student NameSayaka GotoCurrent PositionLecturer, Aoyama Gakuin University
Student NameYuki ItoCurrent PositionDeceased
Student NameKenshi FunakoshiCurrent PositionDokkyo University
Student NameBrooke LarsonCurrent PositionResearcher, Google
Student NameAlex DrummondCurrent PositionSoftware engineer, Circuit Hub
Student NameShiti MalhotraCurrent PositionAssistant Teaching Professor, Northeastern University
Student NameIlknur OdedCurrent PositionChairperson, Multi-Language Department, Defense Language Institute
Student NameAtakan InceCurrent PositionComputational Linguist, GroupSolver, Inc
Student NameChizuru NakaoCurrent PositionGraduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Letters, University of Tokyo
Student NameJon SprouseCurrent PositionProfessor, Dept. of Linguistics, University of Connecticut
Student NameTomohiro FujiiCurrent PositionAssistant Professor, Faculty of Education and Human Sciences, Yokohama National University
Student NameLydia GrebenyovaCurrent PositionAssociate College Lecturer, Director of Linguistics, Cleveland State University
Student NameHajime OnoCurrent PositionFaculty of Arts, Tsuda College