I am an associate professor in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Maryland and Co-Director of the KIT-Maryland MEG Lab. My research is aimed at linking what we know about language to what we know about the brain, with the goal of developing better models of language processing and the neural mechanisms underlying it. I use a wide range of behavioral and neurophysiological techniques towards this end, including ERPs, MEG, and fMRI. I am broadly interested in lexical-conceptual access and semantic/syntactic/discourse structure building, and a large strand of my work examines how readers and listeners use their knowledge of the language to access and construct these representations in advance of the upcoming input.

I am fortunate enough to conduct my research in collaboration with a wonderful bunch of students and faculty in the Linguistics department and across the Maryland Language Science community, one of the largest and most vibrant groups of language scientists in the world! 



  • PhD
Research Methods
Research Interests

Current Students

Dr. Ellen Lau
3416 Marie Mount Hall
Neuroscience and Cognitive Science
ellenlau [at] umd.edu