Our committee aims to support individuals by 1) providing NACS-related research opportunities at the undergraduate level, 2) expanding program recruitment efforts, 3) improving accessibility of NACS-related resources, 4) advocating for policies that support full inclusion within the NACS community, and 5) implementing methods to document the diversity of our NACS community. The names of the committee members and their contact information appears below.

Edward Bernat - chair ebernat@umd.edu
Laura Castillo - graduate student lauracas@umd.edu
Catherine Carr - faculty cecarr@umd.edu
Carlo Combista - graduate student combista@umd.edu
Mine Muezzinoglu - graduate student mmuezzin@umd.edu
Sarah Perry - graduate student sperry20@umd.edu
Rachel Thompson - graduate student rthomp19@umd.edu
Rose Ying - graduate student roseying@umd.edu
Selin Zeytinoglu - postdoc affiliate selin@umd.edu
Isabel Wilder - graduate student iwilder@umd.edu





Last modified
02/05/2025 - 8:17 am