Nationwide and UMD-specific programs that offer mentorship/training opportunities for researchers in neuroscience-related fields. Guidance on GRE and graduate school application fee reduction waivers.

Name of Resource Description Link Relevant for
Big Ten Alliance
Guide for how to request application fee waivers for schools in the Big Ten Alliance
GRE Fee Reduction Program
Information about the GRE Fee Reduction Program through Educational Testing Services
Lewis-Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation - Undergrad Research Program; program for undergrads who are interested in MS and PhD in STEM fields; includes stipend for research (8-10 hours in school year, 30 hours in summer); workshops (GRE, applications), research symposium
Student-led group for URM students interested in careers in STEM fields
NSF Programs Nationwide
A list of NSF funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU). Some programs are geared towards underrepresented minorities across various sciences (e.g., psychology, biology, other STEM fields)
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
A type of fellowship/grant for graduate students early in their careers (i.e., 1st or 2nd year) that provides provides three years of financial support. UMD typically offers workshops/writing groups to help produce an outstanding application.
graduate students
Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
A type of fellowhip/grant for graduate and postdoctoral students specifically for underrepresented groups.
graduate students, postdocs
McNair Scholars Program
This is a UMD hosted program designed to prepare students (primarily low-income, first generation, and underrpresented groups) for a doctoral program. McNair Scholars Program is geared twoards rising juniors and rising seniors and offers a variety of services (e.g., preparing for graduate school admissions tests, mentoring, research internship opportunities, research opportunities, writing classes, graduate school financing, and opportunities to present research at conferences)
Pathways to Science
Database of STEM fellowships, scholarships, research opportunities by geographical region and field
NIH Undergraduate Scholars Program
Competitive scholarships for students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to careers in biomedical, behavioral, and social science health-related research.
NIH postbaccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) Program
The Postbaccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) is a biomedical research program that enables eligible recent college graduates who are planning to apply to graduate or professional school to spend one or two years working in full-time paid positions with investigators at the NIH.
NIH postdoctoral training in the NIH Intramural Research Program
Postdoctoral training program for recent PhD graduates. Paid trainee positions for between 1 - 5 years. Variety of subdisciplines across NIH Institutes
graduate students
NIH diversity-related funding announcements
Continually updated list of grant funding mechanisms related to diversity research and increasing diversity within the academy and STEM fields
postdocs, faculty
National Institute of Health Summer Internship Program (SIP) in Biomedical Research
An overarching internship program geared towards undergraduate and graduate students. Several sub-SIP opportunities are designed explicitly for students underrepresented in biomedical science higher education and careers. Internship locations include the main NIH campus in Bethesda, MD as well as NIH satellite centers (e.g., Research Triangle Park, NC)
undergraduates, graduate students
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Offers 8 years of financial support for postdoc students and early career faculty with specific focuses in Biomedical research and Goal is to improve faculty mentoring skills, support new scientific leaders, and foster diversity and inclusion in science.
(application forms and descriptions)
postdocs, faculty
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) - Science Education Program, Gilliam Fellowships for Advanced Study
Provides awards to faculty and graduate students performing research in biomedical science (Note, researchers must be members of the HHMI and must be nominated for this award)
graduate students


Last modified
07/12/2023 - 9:58 am