Resources designed to improve representation and access to neuroscience-related research. Examples include: databases of scientists from underrepresented backgrounds conducting research in neuroscience-related fields, free and/or low-cost resources to help scholars conduct research.

Name of Resource Description Link Relevant for
BIPOC Affective Science Database
Database of research articles in affective neuroscience authored by BIPOC scientists; maintained by UNC Carolina Affective Science Lab
undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, faculty
BIPOC Psychology and Neuroscience Database
Database of research articles in psychology and neuroscience authored by BIPOC scientists; maintained by Erica Wojcik at Skidmore College
undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, faculty
BME Psychology
Database of research articles in psychology authored by BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) scientists; maintained by Glen Jankowski (critical psychology lecturer at Leeds Beckett University); the website also includes other resources including freely-available teaching materials and background readings relevant to higher education
undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, faculty
Women in Neuroscience Database
Database of women neuroscientists
undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, faculty
SPARK: Scholars of Color Database
Database of research articles in cognitive science authored by BIPOC scientists
undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, faculty
Free low-cost resources for Graduate Students and ECRs
Tons of free resources to help graduate students, postdocs, and early career researchers conduct research and teach
graduate students, postdocs, faculty
Black in Neuro
Database with profiles of Black Neuroscientists and Neuroscientists of color
undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, faculty


Last modified
04/13/2021 - 4:01 pm