Deena (she/hers) is a third year Neuroscience and Cognitive Science PhD student. After receiving her B.S. in Physiology and Neurobiology, she conducted fMRI research as a full-time research assistant in the Developmental Social Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory and the Laboratory of Cognition and Emotion. As a graduate student in the Growth and Resilience Across Development (GARD) Lab, her research focuses on identifying environmental factors that promote resilience in the socioemotional and cognitive development of socioeconomically disadvantaged youth. Deena's research additionally aims to characterize how adverse experiences promote adaptation in the neural circuits underlying socioemotional and cognitive processes. To answer these questions, she employs interdisciplinary methods including geospatial analysis, functional neuroimaging, and community-based participatory research. She is the co-chair of the NACS Outreach Committee, co-founder of the BSOS BIPOC Collective, and lead mentor for the Next-Gen Psychology Scholars Program. Deena ultimately aims to conduct policy-oriented research that promotes equity in historically marginalized communities.
BSBiological Sciences: Physiology and Neurobiology