Congratulations to NACS alum Dr. Chelsea Haakenson for her recent paper, published in the Journal of Comparative Neurology. This work was accomplished through the Visiting Graduate Fellows in Neuroscience Program (VFIN), which allowed students in NACS to conduct research at the University of Maryland Baltimore School of Medicine.

Haakenson, C. M., Balthazart, J., VanRyzin, J. W., Marquardt, A. E., Ashton, S. E., McCarthy, M. M., & Ball, G. F. (2024). Neurochemical Characterization of Dopaminoceptive Cells in Song Control Nuclei of Canaries and Their Activation During Song Production: A Multiplex Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Study. Journal of Comparative Neurology532(10).


Published 10/17/24
Picture of Chelsea