NACS Awards
- Travel Award: NACS students are eligible for one $500 travel award during their graduate studies. Students must present a poster or give a talk at a conference/meeting in order to use the award.
- Conference Supplement: NACS students are eligible for one $300 conference supplement during their graduate studies. Students can use the supplement to attend a conference (whether they are presenting or not) or to attend a short workshop.
- Research Training Award: This award will provide funds to a NACS student who wishes to visit another lab for an extended period of time, or attend a multi-week training course or workshop, in order to acquire new expertise in technology or methodology that is not available in the home laboratory but is critical for the student’s development as a researcher and scientist.
- Diversity Conference Supplement: This award provides funds to a NACS student who would like to attend a diversity conference, such as the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) or the Society for Advancement of Hispanic/Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS).
- William Hodos Dissertation Assistantship: This assistantship provides one semester of support, including a stipend of $10,000 and candidacy tuition assistance, to an outstanding NACS student. To be eligible, the student must have passed the dissertation proposal defense and expect to graduate by the following summer.
NACS Sponsored Awards
Other Awards
- Comparative and Evolutionary Biology of Hearing (CEBH) T32 pre-doctoral training: CEBH is the home of an NIDCD-funded NRSA T32 training grant that supports training of both doctoral and postdoctoral fellows. Pre-doctoral trainees who are in the NACS program pursuing their degrees in the labs of CEBH training faculty can apply for T32 traineeship. CEBH T32 offers up to 2 years of support with their training opportunities in Hearing and speech science.
pdhub Professional Development Program: NACS is recently selected as one of the implementation sites of pd|hub professional development program funded by the NIH, in collaboration with the Graduate School. This will provide NACS students a unique opportunity of career/professional development especially in neuroscience and cognitive science careers.
Last modified
11/21/2024 - 3:14 pm