See below for a list of students who have completed the NACS Certificate.

Abeysekara, Ruwanthi Electrical and Computer Engineering
Alfini, Alfonso Kinesiology
Allard, Tamara     Psychology
Baggetta, Peter Human Development and Quantitative Methodology
Barrios, Shannon Linguistics
Barstead, Matthew Human Development and Quantitative Methodology
Canada, Kelsey Psychology
Chirles, Theresa Kinesiology
Chow, Wing Yee Linguistics
Claudino, Leo  Psychology
Davis, Gregory Computer Science
Eaton, Catherine Hearing and Speech Sciences
Ehrenhofer, Lara Linguistics
Ettinger, Allyson Linguistics
Feola, Brandee Human Development and Quantitative Methodology
Gerson, Sarah Psychology
Jaffe, Joshua Human Development
Joshi, Neha Electrical and Computer Engineering
Jurov, Nika Linguistics
Karatas, Nur Basak Second Language Acquisition
Khosravi, Sahar Electrical and Computer Engineering
Koeth, Joel Psychology
Kowalski, Alix Hearing and Speech Sciences
Lago, Sol Linguistics
Lancaster, Alia Second Language Acquisition
Lau, Ellen Linguistics
Lewis, Shevaun Linguistics
Liao, Chia-Hsuan Linguistics
Lukyanchenko, Anna Second Language Acquisition
Marton, Yuval Linguistics
Massoud, Tarek Electrical and Computer Engineering
Meyer, Michaela Biology
Monahan, Philip Linguistics
Monner, Derek Computer Science
Morini, Giovanna Hearing and Speech Sciences
Oldham, Jessica Kinesiology
Omaki, Akira Linguistics
Rezaeizadeh, Mohsen Electrical and Computer Engineering
Riley-Graham, Joshua Linguistics
Ritland, Bradley Kinesiology
Rollins, Leslie Psychology
Soleimani, Behrad Electrical and Computer Engineering
Stroud, Clare Linguistics
Suway, Jenna Human Development
Thorburn, Craig Linguistics
Toda Cosi, Mireia Second Language Acquisition
Tsai, Peitzu Hearing and Speech Sciences
Wilson, Micheline Second Language Acquisition
Zimmerman, Jo Kinesiology


Last modified
08/09/2024 - 10:11 am