Name Email Location & Phone
Arash Afraz Afraz, Arash
Chief, Unit on Neurons, Circuits and Behavior, NIMH
arash.afraz [at] NIH, Building 49, Room 1B80, 49 Convent Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892
Dr. Zubair Ahmed Ahmed, Zubair
Professor, Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
zmahmed [at] University of Maryland School of Medicine 670 West Baltimore Street, Room 8120, Baltimore, MD, 21201
Photo of Dr. Atlas Atlas, Lauren
Senior Investigator and Chief, Section on Affective Neuroscience and Pain, NCCIH
lauren.atlas [at] NIH, Building 10, Room 4-1741 10 Center Drive Bethesda, Maryland 20892
Dr. Harold Burgess Burgess, Harold
Chief, Section on Behavioral Neurogenetics, NICHD
haroldburgess [at] NIH, 6 Center Drive, Building 6B, Room 3B-308, Bethesda, MD 20892
Dr. Shawn Burgess Burgess, Shawn
Researcher, Translational and Functional Genomics Branch, NHGRI
burgess [at] NIH, Building 50, Room 5537, 50 South Drive, Bethesda MD, 20892-8004
Photo of Dr. Conway Conway, Bevil
Senior Investigator, Sensation, Cognition, and Action Section, NEI
bevil [at] Building 49, Room 2A72 49 Convent Drive Bethesda, Maryland 20892
Dr. Joshua Corbin Corbin, Joshua
Principal Investigator, Center for Neuroscience Research
JCorbin [at] Children's National Hospital, 111 Michigan Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20010-2970
Dr. Lisa Cunningham Cunningham, Lisa
Chief, Section on Sensory Cell Biology, NIDCD
lisa.cunningham [at] NIH, Porter Neuroscience Research Center, Room 1D971, 35A Convent Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892-3729
Photo of Dr. Diamond Diamond, Jeffrey
Scientific Director and Senior Investigator, Synaptic Physiology Section, NINDS
diamondj [at] NIH, Building 35A, Room 3E-621, MSC 3701 Bethesda, MD 20892-3701
Dr. Doug Fields Fields, Douglas
NIH Emeritus Scientist
fieldsd [at] NIH, Building 9, Room 1E126, MSC 3713, 35 Lincoln Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892
Dr. Ken Grant Grant, Ken
Chief and Director, Audiology & Speech, Scientific and Clinical Studies Section, Audiology and Speech Center and the Auditory-Visual Speech Perception Laboratory
ken.w.grant [at] Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Building 19, Bethesda, MD 20889-5600
Dr. Kazue Hashimoto-Torrii Hashimoto-Torii, Kazue
Principal Investigator, Center for Neuroscience Research
khtorii [at] Children's National Hospital, 111 Michigan Avenue NW, M7631, Washington DC, 20010
Dr. Amy Haufler Haufler, Amy
Senior Applied Neuroscientist
amy.haufler [at] Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, 11100 Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD 20723
Dr. Dalia Haydar Haydar, Dalia
Research Faculty, Center for Cancer and Immunology Research
dhaydar [at] Children's National Hospital, 111 Michigan Ave NW, Washington, DC 20010
Dr. Tarik Haydar Haydar, Tarik
Director, Center for Neuroscience Research
thaydar [at] Children's National Hospital, 111 Michigan Avenue N.W., M7631, Washington, DC 20010-2970
Photo of Dr. Histead Histed, Mark
Chief, Unit on Neural Computation and Behavior, NIMH
mark.histed [at] NIH, Porter Building, Room 3A1002, MSC 3764, Bethesda, MD 20814
Photo of Dr. Hsiao Hsiao, Katie
Assistant Professor, Children’s National Research Institute
khsiao [at] Children's National Hospital, 111 Michigan Avenue NW, Washington, DC
Dr. Nobuyuki Ishibashi Ishibashi, Nobuyuki
Principal Investigator, Center for Neuroscience Research
nishibas [at] Children's National Hospital, 111 Michigan Avenue NW, M7644, Washington, DC 20010
Dr. Bechara Kachar Kachar, Bechara
Chief, Section on Cell Structure, NIDCD
kacharb [at] NIH, 50 South Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892
Dr. Matthew Kelley Kelley, Matthew
Chief, Section on Developmental Neuroscience, Laboratory of Cochlear Development, NIDCD
kelleymt [at] NIH, Porter Neuroscience Research Center, 35 Convent Drive, 1D-993, Bethesda, MD 20892
Dr. Katie Kindt Kindt, Katie
Senior Investigator, Section on Sensory Cell Development and Function, NIDCD
katie.kindt [at] NIH, 35A Convent Drive 1D 933, Bethesda, MD 20910
Photo of Dr. Kousa Kousa, Youssef
Principal Investigator, Centers for Genetic Medicine & Neuroscience Research
YKousa [at] Children’s National Research and Innovation Campus 7144 13th Pl NW, Suite 1247 Washington, DC 20012
Dr. Stefanie E. Kuchinsky Kuchinsky, Stefanie
Research Investigator, Audiology and Speech Pathology Center
skuchins [at] Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD 20889
Dr. David Leopold Leopold, David
Chief, Section on Cognitive Neurophysiology and Imaging (SCNI), NIMH
leopoldd [at] NIH, Silvio O. Conte Building 49, Room 1E21, 49 Convent Drive, Bethesda, MD 20814
Dr. Wei Li Li, Wei
Chief, Retinal Neurobiology Section, Retinal Neurophysiology Unit, NEI
liwei2 [at] NIH, Building 35A, Room 3F226, 35A Convent Drive, Bethesda, MD-20892-3739
Dr. Tobias Merson Merson, Tobias
Staff Scientist, Oligodendroglial Interactions Group, NIMH
toby.merson [at] NIH, Building 49, Room 5A56, 49 Convent Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892
UMD seal Nienborg, Hendrikje
Investigator, Visual Decision Making Section and Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research, NEI
hendrikje.nienborg [at] NIH, Building 49, Room 2A50, 49 Convent Dr, Bethesda, MD-20892
Dr. John Rinzel Rinzel, John
Professor, Center for Neural Science and Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU
rinzeljm [at] New York University, 4 Washington Place, Rm 621 New York, NY 10003
UMD seal Samuel, Immanuel
Associate Scientific Director, War Related Illness and Injury Study Center, US Department of Veteran Affairs
Immanuel.Samuel [at] DC Veteran Affairs Medical Center, 50 Irving St NW, Washington, DC 20422
Photo of Dr. Shoykhet Shoykhet, Michael "Mish"
Principal Investigator, Center for Neuroscience Research
mshoykhet [at] Children’s Research Institute 111 Michigan Ave NW Washington, DC 20010
Michael Sidorov, Ph.D. Sidorov, Michael
Assistant Professor, Center for Neuroscience Research
msidorov [at] Children's National Hospital, 111 Michigan Avenue NW, M7635, Washington, DC 20010-2970
Dr. Masaaki Torii Torii, Masaaki
Associate Professor, Center for Neuroscience Research
mtorii [at] Children's National Hospital, 111 Michigan Avenue NW, M7631 Washington, DC 20010-2970
Dr. Jason Triplett Triplett, Jason
Associate Professor, Center for Neuroscience Research
jtriplett [at] Children's National Hospital, 111 Michigan Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20010
Photo of Dr. Werner Werner, Achim
Stadtman Investigator, Stem Cell Biochemistry Unit, NIDCR
Achim.werner [at] NIDCR/NIH 30 Convent Dr. MSC 4340 Bethesda, MD 20892-4340
Dr. Steffen Wolff Wolff, Steffen
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology
swolff [at] UMB School of Medicine, 670 W. Baltimore Street, Room 9183, Baltimore, MD 21201
Dr. Susan Wray Wray, Susan
Lab Chief and Senior Investigator, Cellular and Developmental Neurobiology Section, NINDS
wrays [at] NIH, Building 35, Room 3A-1012, Bethesda, MD 20892-3703
Dr. Doris Wu Wu, Doris
Lab Chief, Section on Sensory Cell Regeneration and Development, NIDCD
wud [at] NIH, Porter Neuroscience Research Center, 35A Convent Drive, Room 1D824, Bethesda, MD 20892-3729
Dr. Kareem Zaghloul Zaghloul, Kareem
Principal Investigator, Surgical Neurology Branch, NINDS
kareem.zaghloul [at] NIH, Building 10, Room 3D20, 10 Center Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892-1414